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  • A-2310W

    Arrowhead Forensics Fingerprint Powder Standard

    You can be confident that the powder you get will be consistent in quality every time. All of our powders are precision milled and sifted to assure quality. All of our magnetic powders are made with the same care and attention to detail as our standard powders. Arrowhead’s magnetic powders are the smoothest on the market. Use our white magnetic latent print powder for processing of dark surfaces that requires the use of contrasting powders. Use our powder only on non-pourous, non-ferrous surfaces. The powder must be applied with a magnetic applicator that acts as a ”brush” by creating a ball of powder. This ball is the only thing that touches the active surface.

    Standard fingerprint powders are available in 4 colours:

    • Black
    • White
    • Dual Use
    • Gray

    And 4 sizes:

    • 2oz
    • 8oz
    • 16oz
    • 128oz