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  • MOE Breaching Training Doors Information

    Government News MOE Breaching Training Doors Information Tactical Gear Australia

    Tactical Gear Distributors are a supplier and distributor of Breaching Doors, Breaching Tools and Breaching MOE Training to Australian Federal Police, Australian State Police Forces, Australian Border Force and the Australian Defence Force.

    Tactical Gear Distributors represent the most recognised, respected and widely used manufacturers of Breaching Training Doors from around the world including

    • 5.11 Tactical (SET - Sweden Entry Tools) Breaching Door
    • Breaching Technologies Inc Training Doors
    • Ruhl Tech Breaching Doors

    5.11 Tactical Multi Purpose MOE Breaching Pry and Ram Door

    Designed in conjunction with Sweden Entry Tools, a world leader in breaching technology, 5.11 Breaching Door is designed exclusively for Law Enforcement and First Responder teams.

    Designed for repeated mechanical and hydraulic breaching, the 5.11 Tactical Multi Purpose MOE Breaching Pry and Ram Door offers extremely sturdy construction and fully customizable settings, including inward/outward swinging options, multiple lock placements, various reinforcement points, and adjustable resistance levels, allowing you to prepare for portal defeat situations on thresholds of any type or composition. 5.11's patented floating case design allows repeated breaching without damage to integral door mechanisms, and refill are available, ensuring your training door will offer valuable practice for years.

    Features include Wide range of breaching training opportunities for public safety professionals. The MultiPurpose Training Door is designed for repeated mechanical and hydraulic breaching and is contrustructed of heavy grade steel and fabricated in Modesto, CA. 5.11's patent pending floating case design allows for repeated jamb and case separation without destroying the door frame. The door can be easily set up to replicate the following types of entryways with a minimal amount of preparation once set up:

    • Outwards-opening and inwards-opening doors
    • Wooden doors, security doors, fire doors, etc.
    • Doors with a variety of locking points, locking mechanisms and overall resistance

    For a flyer on 5.11 Breaching Doors and 5.11 MOE Tools click here

    5.11 Tactical Breaching Door Pry Ram MOE Training Door

    5.11 Tactical Multi Purpose Breaching MOE Training Door click here for more

     To get a quote and further information on the 5.11 Training Doors contact our Government Solutions Team 


    Breaching Technologies Inc (BTI) Training Doors and MOE Tools

    Tactical Gear Distributors are proud to distribute Breaching Technologies Inc Training Doors and MOE Tools in Australia and New Zealand.  Breaching Technologies Inc. (BTI) was founded in 2003 by Darron Phillips, a 28 year veteran of the San Antonio Police Department and has extensive experience in tactical training and explosives. He recognised the need to provide law enforcement and operators with the most life-like breach training possible, and the value of life-saving tactical gear for these individuals. He developed a mechanical ram breach training door with a one-of-a-kind lock and panel system that allows simulation of various forces found in real-world scenarios. His patented system has been integrated into an extensive selection of breach training doors and has proven to be the first choice for military and law enforcement worldwide.

    Why choose BTI Training Doors?

    Breaching is arguably the most important part of a tactical operation. It is imperative that tactical teams get inside to achieve their objective. BTI has designed its doors to practice tactical breaching in the most realistic way possible. The BTI patented system utilizes a color coded shear pin system that replicate real life forces as it relates to standard door construction. It is now possible for breach training instructors to set up multiple scenarios to replicate standard residential construction, commercial construction, barricaded scenarios or secondary breach point scenarios.

    The BTI pin system is engineered to break at exact forces that operators encounter in the field. This has inspired BTI to offer multiple breach training systems such as ram doors, pry doors,hydraulic doors, shotgun breaching doors and explosive training doors.
    There are many breach training systems out there that look like BTI doors but only BTI has a patented shear pin system that replicate real life forces.Training on other systems may open up liability issues should methods of training be questioned in a court of law. BTI has stringent quality control methods to ensure that the engineered pins shear at the proper point to replicate actual door forces. This absolves all liability issues should your breach training methods be questioned.

    Other systems that use wooden dowels cannot be accurately and reliably measured to replicate real life forces. BTI has experimented with actual doors under the supervision of structural engineers and found the actual pounds per square inch needed to disrupt lock mechanisms during a breach.


    The BTI Dual Pry and Ram doors have been widely purchased in Australia. The BTI Ram-Pry Door.  The BTI Ram-Pry Door is a versatile inward and outward opening door designed to offer realistic and affordable ram and pry breach training. This door is engineered to quickly convert into an inward opening ram door. The patented pry system can be efficiently removed from the door to convert the system for ram training, then easily reconvert.   Along with the breaching pins, the Ram-Pry Door utilizes a low cost wood insert to accept the use of a halligan tool or similar prying tool. The use of the wood insert allows for realistic training in setting a halligan or other similar tool and prying an outward opening door.Breaching Technologies Inc Breaching Door Tactical Entry

    BTI Explosive Entry, Shotgun and Hydraulic Entry Doors

    BTI Manufacture a range of Breaching Doors to suit your training requirements including Explosive Entry, Shotgun and Hydraulic Entry Doors.

     BTI Explosive Entry Training DoorBTI Hydraulic Entry Training DoorShotgun Entry Training Door

    Download the BTI Catalogue here

    For more information click here

    BTI Website click here



     Ruhl Tech MOE Tools and Breaching Training Doors

    Ruhl Tech Breaching Training Doors and MOE Entry Tools are made in the USA and are the only breaching tool manufacturer that's approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 

    • Breaching & Entry Tools, Solid and Collapsible
    • Breaching & Entry Rams
    • Ladders, Solid and Collapsible
    • Ladder Accessories
    • Single and Double Breaching Doors


    Dynamic Entry Breaching Training

    Tactical GEar DIstributors offer training from a former Australia SASR Soldier and qualified Breaching Trainer.  COntact our Government Solutions Team for Training.

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