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    Sirchie Integrity Evidence Bags 7.5 x 10.5 inch 100 pack

    Integrity Evidence Bag 7 1/2 inch x 10 1/2 inch (100 each)
    SKU: IEB7500

    The manner in which evidence is stored and protected can often mean the difference between conviction and acquittal. With this in mind, SIRCHIE introduces the integrity evidence bag. These all-in-one bags are waterproof, tear- and puncture-resistant, printable and include a tamperproof seal. No other evidence bag offers greater integrity, security and convenience.

    Proper collection, handling, labeling, transportation, and storage of evidence are critical elements to maintaining the integrity of crime scene investigations. Sirchie provides a broad offering of bags, boxes, containers, envelopes, and labels that are designed specifically for forensic applications that allow the investigator to collect, label, and maintain evidence according to their relevant standard operating procedures.

    Specifications of Integrity Evidence Bag 7 1/2 inch x 10 1/2 inch

    • Made of heavy-duty, 3.2-mil-thick, multilayer, coextruded polyolefin film.
    • 7 1/2" x 10 1/2" in sets of 100.
    • 19.05cm x 26.67cm
    • Individually numbered and bar coded!